Monday, November 17, 2008


Hi everyone! Here is a pic from this weekend with Annabelle playing with her best friend Payton, she really had fun rubbing her head as she tipped over. We were laughing like crazy folks, and flash bulbs were going off like the Paparazzi was taking pics of the latest celebrity. Fun for everyone.
Patrick & Alicia

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Annabelle's first laugh

Two posts in one night, after none in 5 months!!! Wow! Well, tonight Annabelle laughed for the first time, really loud atleast, and I caught it on video tape. Enjoy!! Alicia and I can't stop smiling.......P.S. pay no attention to my geeky sounds during the video...

Better late than never

Here is the first post for "The Hirscht's" webpage, and it only came a little over 5 months after Annabelle was born. Annabelle is smiling like crazy now, and absolutely the happiest baby we could have ever hoped for. She rarely cries, and is trully incredible to be around. Here is a picture of her handing out candy with Mom and Dad for Halloween.