Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Trip to Kangamangus
In between switching jobs I had a week off, so we took a trip up to see my family in NH. We went to the beach, and took a trip up to the Kangamangus in the Mountains for a couple days around labor day. Annabelle is a fish, and absolutely loves the water. It wasn't that warm out, but she wanted to be in all the time. We had to take her out when she was shivering, and still didn't want to get out. Too cute. Here is a link to check out all our pics, http://picasaweb.google.com/phirscht/2009913TripToNHBeachKangamangusRIWedding#
but here's a really cute one. 
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Annabelle's First Steps!!!!!
Hey, hey, she's on the move. Here are some of her first steps. Today is the first time she has taken steps on her own. So cool!!!
4th of July in Vermont
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Strawberry picking on Father's Day
Well, Annabelle took Alicia and I strawberry picking on Father's Day. It was so much fun. She was picking berries, and mushing them all over her face.....just like Daddy. :) Here's a video of her sitting on my toes eating strawberries. Too cute.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Annabelle's first birthday :)
Well we had a party last weekend with Alicia's family, and this weekend my mom and brother came over as well as a few friends. I can't believe my little girl is 1yr old. Here is a video of the car Annabelle got from Mommy and Daddy for her first birthday. She loves it. Unreal. I hope everyone is well, wish we could have seen everyone this weekend, but we definetely miss you all. Take care.
-Proud Papa of a 1yr old.
-Proud Papa of a 1yr old.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Our new place, and Annabelle's new swing
Hi everyone, Alicia and I are settled into our new place, and enjoying the nice weather. We have a huge Magnolia tree right next to the house, so I put Annabelle's swing in that tree. She loves it. Here is a video of the new place and the family enjoying a nice day. Hope everyone is well, enjoy!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Annabelle swings
Monday, March 16, 2009
This should make you SMILE!!!
This was after dinner tonight. Alicia had Annabelle laughing like crazy for like 15 minutes. My cheeks hurt afterward, it was too cute. Enjoy this video, it should make you smile :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I like to clap
In the last couple days, we started clapping. It's really fun. All she does now is say dadadadadadada while clapping. Here's a video for your enjoyment. Funny, I could get her to clap for the camera, but she wanted nothing to do with saying DADA. Enjoy our little Junebug. By the way, she has two teeth on the bottom and two are poking through on the top. She's been a little cranky since the top ones started coming in... :(
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Well, Annabelle is now able to hold herself up in the pack-n-play and looks over the edge with the most addorable eyes. It is very cute, and fun to see. It's not all cute though.....Last night after Daddy picked her up from Daycare, we were playing on the couch together when she turned some sort of a faucet on from her stomach, and started projectile vomiting all over me. I was scared, and was looking around for Alicia to help, but nothing, cause she was still at work. I didn't want to move her, as we were on the leather couches, so I just held her in front of me and tried to catch it all on my shirt. OMG, after what seemed to be a minute of nonstop spray, with a smell I can't even begin to describe, she stopped, and looked at me like "That sucks, you smell funny." I was covered. All over my face, arms, chest, pants,....everything. I didn't even want to move, and continued to sit there another minute trying to figure out what my options for getting a hold of the current situation were. I placed Annabelle on the floor, and slowly pulled myself off the couch while trying to take my soaking shirt off at the same time so none fell down on the floor. As I stand completely naked in the living room, Annabelle begins to spit up again, and covers the blanket that I now have her sitting on. I have no clothing on, no idea of what I'm supposed to be doing for Annabelle, can't get a hold of Alicia or my Mom, and I stink like nothing you have ever smelled.
Finally, the convulsing stopped and I was able to get Annabelle into the bath. Initially my plan was to keep her in there until Alicia got home so as to avoid any further mess, but after further consideration I thought I should dress her and see if I could get her to sleep, as I could tell she was as exhausted from the whole ordeal as much as her Dad. Luckily for me, it worked, and she fell asleep in my arms. I put her in her crib, and began to survey the scene. It looked like someone had a spoiled yogurt fight in our living room, but everyone was aiming for me. Unreal! I managed to keep the dogs from eating my clothing, gross I know, and did some moderate cleaning until Alicia walked in. Annabelle woke up, and she took care of her while I did some much needed laundry, and took a shower.
The little girl had a good night, and woke up in the morning like nothing happened. Must have eaten something that didn't sit well, or she learned a terrible new trick. Ahhh Fatherhood.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Annabelle's Contest Photo
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Video of Annabelle chugging water
Well, she is getting older everyday. She has started holding her sippy cup and chugging the water! I think it's her new favorite game, she loves it. I'm a proud papa.
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